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 Pinnacle Studio HD Ultimate Collection v14.0 Multilanguage with Studio Effects

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المهنة : ingenieur
عدد المشاركات : 57
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/02/2011

Pinnacle Studio HD Ultimate Collection v14.0 Multilanguage with Studio Effects Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Pinnacle Studio HD Ultimate Collection v14.0 Multilanguage with Studio Effects   Pinnacle Studio HD Ultimate Collection v14.0 Multilanguage with Studio Effects Icon_minitime13/3/2011, 7:41 pm

Pinnacle Studio HD Ultimate Collection v14.0 Multilanguage with Studio Effects

Pinnacle Studio HD Ultimate Collection v14.0 Multilanguage with Studio Effects Default105Pinnacle Studio HD Ultimate Collection v14.0 Multilanguage with Studio Effects 4356344450_f88c533566_o
Boost your story with our top-tier release from the Pinnacle Studio™
Family, Pinnacle Studio Ultimate Collection. The collection includes a
complete set of plug-ins and a Chroma-key green screen for advanced
effects, editing and production, in addition to feature-rich Studio
Ultimate software. With a new, simpler interface, create top-quality
movies in high-definition video, include stunning effects, transitions,
animation, and incredible Dolby Digital® 5.1 sound, empowered by new
tools from Avid’s professional lines of film-editing products. Then,
dazzle your audience when you share your sensations in widescreen
format. Sharing options are as limitless as your creativity: from
Blu-ray and AVCHD to YouTube, iPod, Nintendo Wii, and more.

Exclusive Feature (*New to Studio)
* Motion titling, plus exciting new title designs, DVD menus, effects and over 80 Montage templates*
* Stop-motion capture for amazing animations and fast-motion effects*
* Fluid image stabilization technology from Avid used in major motion pictures*
* Dolby Digital® 5.1 sound
* Share straight to Blu-ray, HD DVD, DVD, YouTube (with wide-screen export)*, the web, MP3 sound files and more
* Export movies for Flash, QuickTime, improved AVCHD*, PS3, Nintendo Wii, Xbox and more
* Add Hollywood-style animations, transitions and effects with Pinnacle Studio Ultimate and a complete set of Red Giant plug-ins

System Requirements
* Windows ® 7, Windows Vista ® (SP2),Windows XP (SP3)
* Intel ® Pentium ® or AMD Athlon ™ 1.8 GHz (2.4 GHz or higher recommended)
- Intel Core ™ 2 Duo 2.4 GHz required for AVCHD*
- Intel Core ™ 2 Quad 2.66 GHz or Intel Core ™ i7 required
for AVCHD* 1920
* 1 GB system memory recommended, 2 GB required for AVCHD*
* DirectX ® 9 or 10 compatible graphics card with 64 MB (128 MB or
higher recommended) - 128 MB required for Red Giant Magic Bullet Looks
Plug-in: Pixelshader 2 required, Intel GMA integrated graphics not
supported. - 256 MB required for HD and AVCHD*
* DirectX 9 or higher compatible sound card
* 3,6 GB of disk space
* DVD-ROM drive to install software
* Accessory:
o CD burner for creating Video CDs or Super Video CDs (S-VCDs)
o DVD burner for creating DVD and AVCHD* discs
o Blu-ray burner for creating Blu-ray discs*
o Sound card with surround sound output required for preview of surround sound mixes*

CYGiSO has released newest version of Pinnacle’s Studio HD Ultimate Collection. It’s all-in-one easy solution for video editing.
Team: CYGiSO
Release-Date .... : 2009-12-07
Program-Rating .. : 10/10

Install Note:
Unrar the files
Burn or mount the Image with your favorite Tool
Start Setup and install
Follow instructions from \CYGiSO\readme.txt

Extras. Information:
Additional content for the studio version 14. Hollywood, titles, themes.
Composition assembly
Pinnacle Hollywood FX Volume 1-3
Pinnacle Premium Pack Volume 1-2
Pinnacle RTFX Volume 2
Pinnacle ScoreFitter Volume 1-2
Pinnacle Themes Winter Pack
Pinnacle Title Extreme

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Pinnacle Studio HD Ultimate Collection v14.0 Multilanguage-CYGiSO
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Pinnacle Studio 14 HD Content-Studio Effects
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Pinnacle Studio 14 HD Content-Studio Effects
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Pinnacle Studio HD Ultimate Collection v14.0 Multilanguage with Studio Effects
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