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 برنامج إصلاح أخطاء النظام AVG PC Tuneup 2011

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


المهنة : Student
عدد المشاركات : 2607
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/04/2010

برنامج إصلاح أخطاء النظام AVG PC Tuneup 2011  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: برنامج إصلاح أخطاء النظام AVG PC Tuneup 2011    برنامج إصلاح أخطاء النظام AVG PC Tuneup 2011  Icon_minitime4/3/2011, 8:04 pm

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اقتباس :

You already know how AVG can protect you online. Now we take that expertise one step further by fixing problems that slow you down. AVG PC Tuneup is your one-stop shop to help you get the most out of your PC.

* Fix issues affecting your PC’s performance and enjoy a faster running PC
* Get rid of tell-tale traces of your activity and files you hoped were gone for good

Great features:

Optimize your Internet connectionInternet optimizer

Internet optimizer automatically tunes your Internet connection settings to speed up your online life.
This tool will speed up your internet connection by optimizing settings – including Max MTU and RWIN – specifically for the type of internet connection you use. In addition, the internet optimizer will test your connection settings before applying any changes.
Recover accidentally deleted filesFile recovery

AVG PC Tuneup comes fully equipped with a file recovery tool so that you can recover files that have been damaged or accidentally deleted within Windows.
This tool will recover accidentally deleted files or files that have been damaged. File recovery also allows you to preview photos and documents while browsing through the list of found files.
Permanently delete files and wipe disksFile shredder and disk wiper

Deleting files or folders removes references to them but doesn’t remove the actual data stored within the file. This means that files you think you’ve deleted can easily be retrieved.
File shredder permanently deletes files so your personal data cannot be restored. It provides four different shredding options, ranging from fast to military-level safety shredding. The disk wiping tool can be used to wipe entire drives and to provide extra security. You can also turn off system restore while wiping a disk to ensure no file copies are created during wiping.

Great features:

Optimize your Internet connectionInternet optimizer

Internet optimizer automatically tunes your Internet connection settings to speed up your online life.
This tool will speed up your internet connection by optimizing settings – including Max MTU and RWIN – specifically for the type of internet connection you use. In addition, the internet optimizer will test your connection settings before applying any changes.
Recover accidentally deleted filesFile recovery

AVG PC Tuneup comes fully equipped with a file recovery tool so that you can recover files that have been damaged or accidentally deleted within Windows.
This tool will recover accidentally deleted files or files that have been damaged. File recovery also allows you to preview photos and documents while browsing through the list of found files.
Permanently delete files and wipe disksFile shredder and disk wiper

Deleting files or folders removes references to them but doesn’t remove the actual data stored within the file. This means that files you think you’ve deleted can easily be retrieved.
File shredder permanently deletes files so your personal data cannot be restored. It provides four different shredding options, ranging from fast to military-level safety shredding. The disk wiping tool can be used to wipe entire drives and to provide extra security. You can also turn off system restore while wiping a disk to ensure no file copies are created during wiping.
Protect your privacy Track eraser

Lots of information about your activities is recorded on your PC. Track eraser will help you protect your privacy by removing this personal information from your computer.
When you surf the internet, open documents or run programs, your activity is recorded. Track eraser hides these traces so that no one can see which web sites you have visited or which documents you have recently opened.
Make your PC more stable and free up disk spaceDisk and registry cleaner

Clean up old files, duplicate files and broken registries to get the most out of your PC.
Disk cleaner scans your hard drives for files that waste disk space and slow down your computer. These may include temporary files, internet browser cache or junk files. Registry cleaner scans your registry to fix problems that cause your computer to slow down, freeze or even crash.
Improve your disk speedDisk and windows registry defragmenter

Disc defragmentation optimizes your file system to get the most out of your hard drive. Enjoy a faster hard disk and a more stable and smooth running computer.
Disk defragmenter reorganizes files on your disks so that they can be read and written faster. This improves application response time, system boot speed and overall computer performance. A similar tool cleans up your Windows registry by rewriting it to eliminate fragmentation, slack spaces and structural defects
Monitor your hard drive health and space usageDisk doctor and disk explorer

With these two tools it will be easy for you to keep your data organized and safe from being lost due to hard disk failure.
برنامج إصلاح أخطاء النظام AVG PC Tuneup 2011  69833549
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